Episode 8: The Cost of Cereal

Image: Colouring pages posted on the back wall of SisterSpace, North America’s first women-only overdose prevention site. (Photo: Garth Mullins)

Episode 8: The Cost of Cereal

Men are dying at a higher rate than women during the opioid crisis, which means women sometimes get left out of the conversation. On Episode 8 of Crackdown, we go to SisterSpace, North America’s first women-only safe consumption site. 

CORRECTION: Overnight funding for SisterSpace runs out at the end of September, 2019.


A full transcript for this episode is available here.

Call to Action

If you want to see more funding to extend hours of overdose prevention sites like SisterSpace, write to The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal Health, and the B.C. Ministry of Health.

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day. Events are taking place around the world.  Check out Overdoseday.com

If you want to learn how to use Naloxone to reverse an overdose, you can get training here: naloxonetraining.com

Image: Patricia Monty points out an early piece of colouring she did at SisterSpace. The piece reads “Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you got.” (Photo: Garth Mullins)

Image: Garth “Big Galoot” Mullins, next to Patricia Monty in the entrance to SisterSpace (Photo: Polly Leger)

Reading List


Garth Mullins is Crackdown‘s host and executive producer.

Crackdown is produced by Alexander Kim, Polly Leger, Lisa Hale, Sam Fenn, and Gordon Katic. 

Thank you to SisterSpace for having us. 

Crackdown’s Editorial Board is: Samona Marsh, Shelda Kastor, Greg Fess, Jeff Louden, Dean Wilson, Laura Shaver, Dave Murray, and Al Fowler. Rest In Peace Chereece Keewatin.

Our scientific advisers are Ryan McNeil and Jade Boyd from the BC Centre on Substance Use and the Department of Medicine at the University of Britsh Columbia. 

Original score written and performed by Sam Fenn, Jacob Dryden, Kai Paulson, James Ash and Garth Mullins. Our theme song was written by Garth and Sam with accompaniment from Dave Gens and Ben Appenheimer.  

Funding for Crackdown comes from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


Episode 9: Change Intolerance Part 2


Episode 7: Stand Down